Healthy Ageing2020-12-17T11:56:38+11:00

HEALTH HUB Healthy Ageing

2307, 2024

More muscles equals faster metabolic rate

July 23rd, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Fitness Hub, Healthy Ageing, Men's Health, Nutrition, Women's Health|Tags: , , , , , , , |

More muscles equals faster metabolic rate By naturopath Margaret Jasinska As we age we lose muscle mass. This typically causes a slowing down of the metabolic rate. Fortunately there are ways to help [...]

907, 2024

90 percent of people with chronic kidney disease aren’t aware their kidneys are failing

July 9th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Diabetes, Did You Know, Digestive Health, Healthy Ageing, Men's Health, Women's Health|Tags: , , , , , |

90 percent of people with chronic kidney disease aren’t aware their kidneys are failing By naturopath Margaret Jasinska   A recent Australian study has found that 90 percent of people with stage 3 [...]

406, 2024

The 5 Benefits of Exercise in Seniors

June 4th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Fitness Hub, Healthy Ageing, Nutrition|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The 5 Benefits of Exercise in Seniors By Jessah Shaw, Adv Dip (Nut Med) It’s never too late to add exercise into your routine and reap the benefits of regular physical activity. No [...]

104, 2024

5 Exercises for Building Strong Bones

April 1st, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Get fit and mean it!, Healthy Ageing, Men's Health, Women's Health|Tags: , , , , |

5 Exercises for Building Strong Bones By Jessah Shaw, Adv Dip ( Nut Med) Whether you’ve got osteoporosis and want to improve bone health or are simply being proactive and want to avoid [...]

2503, 2024

Carpel tunnel syndrome may be an early diabetes warning

March 25th, 2024|Categories: Diabetes, Did You Know, Healthy Ageing|Tags: , , , , |

Carpel tunnel syndrome may be an early diabetes warning By naturopath Margaret Jasinska New research has found that people who develop carpel tunnel syndrome are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. [...]

1803, 2024

Blood sugar spikes could be harming your brain

March 18th, 2024|Categories: Diabetes, Healthy Ageing, Stress & Mental Health, Weight Loss|Tags: |

Blood sugar spikes could be harming your brain By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Abnormally high blood sugar can cause inflammation in your brain. It is well known that type 2 diabetics are at higher [...]

1803, 2024

5 Tips for Increased Energy

March 18th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Healthy Ageing, Women's Health|Tags: , , , |

5 tips for increased energy By Jessah Shaw, Adv Dip (Nut Med) More than ever we are seeing an increasing number of people with low energy and reasons for this can vary for [...]

1103, 2024

Gout raises the risk of heart disease

March 11th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Diabetes, Healthy Ageing, Men's Health|Tags: , , |

Gout raises the risk of heart disease By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know gout doesn’t only cause painful arthritis in the feet? It actually places your heart at risk. Elevated uric acid [...]

703, 2024

What you should know about uterine fibroids

March 7th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Healthy Ageing, Parenting, Women's Health|Tags: , , , , |

What you should know about uterine fibroids By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that can occur in or on the uterus. They can develop in women during their childbearing years [...]

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