HEALTH HUB Latest Articles
Vitamin D is important for a healthy thyroid
Vitamin D is important for a healthy thyroid By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Vitamin D isn’t only important for strong bones. Research shows it helps lower thyroid antibodies that can cause an under active thyroid gland. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the world’s most common autoimmune disease. It occurs when the immune system produces antibodies that attack the thyroid gland, mistaking it for a harmful invader. Over time, the antibodies cause destructive damage to the thyroid gland, leaving it unable to manufacture sufficient hormones. At that point most patients need to start taking thyroid hormone replacement, the most common ones being [...]
High sugar diet raises risk of depression
High sugar diet raises risk of depression By naturopath Margaret Jasinska A recent study has found that people who consume the most sugar have a 33 percent higher risk of depression. This finding was based on data from 18,400 participants who completed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Health and Nutrition Examination survey between 2011 and 2018. After two interviews, researchers gathered information on daily sugar intake based on the sum of sugar content in all the foods and beverages they consumed in the past 24 hours. They assessed depression levels based on a questionnaire. The [...]
Sugar risks a man’s mental health
Sugar risks a man’s mental health By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know that Australian men are overrepresented in most obesity related chronic disease statistics? Once they reach age 55, far more men than women have type 2 diabetes. These men are also more likely to experience depression. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 75 percent of Australian men are overweight or obese, versus 60 percent of women. This increases the risk of fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and strokes. The food you eat affects your mood A recent study found that a diet high [...]
High sugar diet raises risk of depression
High sugar diet raises risk of depression By naturopath Margaret Jasinska A recent study has found that people who consume the most sugar have a 33 percent higher risk of depression. This finding was based on data from 18,400 participants who completed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Health and Nutrition Examination survey between 2011 and 2018. After two interviews, researchers gathered information on daily sugar intake based on the sum of sugar content in all the foods and beverages they consumed in the past 24 hours. They assessed depression levels based on a questionnaire. The [...]
Stress can cause inability to lose weight
Stress can cause inability to lose weight By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Long term stress can significantly alter your body’s metabolism, hormone balance and neurotransmitter levels. You can be doing all the right things with your diet and exercise and not make weight loss progress if you are suffering with stress. Fortunately there are ways to support your body and minimise the negative impacts on your health and weight. Stress can interfere with your ability to sleep, and that raises levels of hunger hormones, making you want to eat more. Exhaustion reduces the likelihood a person will cook healthy [...]
Is Stress Contributing To Your Health Problems?
Is stress contributing to your health problems? By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Stress is a normal physical and mental reaction to life experiences. Everybody experiences stress from time to time. Everyday responsibilities like work and family issues, relationships, health problems, death of a loved one, chronic pain and insomnia can all trigger extreme stress. If brief and infrequent, stress can be beneficial to your health. It can boost your energy, motivation and cognitive function. Your body responds to stress by releasing hormones that increase your heart and breathing rates and prepare your muscles to run or fight. If the [...]
5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake
5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake By Jessah Shaw - nutritionist It’s very easy to overconsume sugar on a daily basis, and these fluctuating blood sugar spikes and crashes can lead to low energy, brain fog, increased sugar/carb cravings, slow metabolism and poor blood sugar control which in turn can lead to chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Thankfully, there are simple ways to reduce sugar intake without feeling like you’re depriving yourself. Read on for 5 simple ways to reduce your [...]
Young people are developing liver fibrosis
Young people are developing liver fibrosis By naturopath Margaret Jasinska New research has found up to one in seven young adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes have already developed significant liver fibrosis. Fibrosis means scarring, or cirrhosis. This finding highlights the need to test liver health and function in this population. Researchers tried to assess the prevalence of liver fat levels and clinically significant scarring (stage 2 or higher) in young adults without a history of fatty liver. 1420 individuals aged 21 to 79 years with or without type 2 diabetes were included from outpatient clinics at [...]
Colon cancer risk factor you should know
Colon cancer risk factor you should know By naturopath Margaret Jasinska The incidence of colon cancer keeps rising and it’s occurring in increasingly younger people. This is a cancer with a poor prognosis. Knowing the risk factors may help to save your life. Helicobacter pylori is the bacteria linked with stomach ulcers and stomach cancer; new research shows it also increases the risk of colorectal cancer. The link between Helicobacter pylori and colorectal cancer was found when investigators reviewed cancer incidence and mortality in a nationwide study of 812,736 veterans tested for H pylori. Of the 205,178 (25.2 [...]
Vitamin D may help reverse fatty liver
Vitamin D may help reverse fatty liver By naturopath Margaret Jasinska A recent study has found that vitamin D helps improve fatty liver in people with insulin resistance. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is increasingly being referred to as Metabolic dysfunction Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD). Worldwide it’s the most common cause of chronic liver disease and is the leading cause of liver related morbidity and mortality. Fatty liver is incredibly common, and so is vitamin D deficiency. Raising your blood level of vitamin D can improve your liver health. Vitamin D has so many important functions in [...]