

107, 2024

Iodine offers protection against many types of cancer

July 1st, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Cancer, Immune Health, Men's Health, Nutrition, Women's Health|Tags: , , , , , |

Iodine offers protection against many types of cancer By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Iodine is such an important nutrient for good health and so many people aren’t getting enough. Your body requires iodine to [...]

107, 2024

Australians and Mesothelioma

July 1st, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Cancer, Men's Health|Tags: , , , , , , |

Australians and Mesothelioma Article supplied by the Mesothelioma Centre One uncommon but deadly type of cancer that has affected many Australians is mesothelioma. This illness, which has impacted people all over the nation [...]

2702, 2024

Dear Pregnant Readers,

February 27th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Cancer, Fitness Hub, Healthy Ageing|Tags: , , , |

Is there someone in your life acting anxious about your upcoming birth? Maybe they keep asking questions about your birth preparation or birth plan? Maybe they want to tell you about their birth, but [...]

602, 2024

People with more muscle may respond better to cancer treatment

February 6th, 2024|Categories: All Articles, Cancer, Fitness Hub, Healthy Ageing|Tags: , , , |

People with more muscle may respond better to cancer treatment By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Exercising to build more muscle on your body may help if one day you are diagnosed with cancer. Researchers [...]

1010, 2023

Fatty liver raises the risk of cancer

October 10th, 2023|Categories: All Articles, Cancer, Liver Health|Tags: , , , , |

Fatty liver raises the risk of cancer By naturopath Margaret Jasinska A new study has found that developing a fatty liver before age 45 increases the risk of cancer, especially digestive and lung [...]

905, 2023

Your waist circumference can predict your breast cancer risk

May 9th, 2023|Categories: All Articles, Cancer, Weight Loss, Women's Health|Tags: , , |

Your waist circumference can predict your breast cancer risk By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know that women with a waist circumference greater than 35 inches (88 centimetres) have a higher risk of [...]

709, 2022

Link Between Breast Density And Breast Cancer

September 7th, 2022|Categories: Cancer, Women's Health|Tags: |

Link between breast density and breast cancer By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know that women with higher breast density are at greater risk of breast cancer? It is actually one of the [...]

1907, 2022

What You Need To Know About Ovarian Cancer

July 19th, 2022|Categories: Cancer, Women's Health|Tags: |

What you need to know about ovarian cancer By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Ovarian cancer is not as common as breast cancer, however it can be more deadly. Ovarian cancer is sometimes described as [...]

2610, 2021

High Sugar Diet May Raise Breast Cancer Risk

October 26th, 2021|Categories: Cancer, Women's Health|Tags: |

High sugar diet may raise breast cancer risk By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Eating a lot of sugar raises inflammation in the body, increasing the risk of breast cancer, and the likelihood that it [...]

3108, 2021

Male Baldness Linked To Prostate Cancer

August 31st, 2021|Categories: Cancer, Men's Health|Tags: |

Male baldness linked to prostate cancer By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Research has shown that men who lose scalp hair early in life are at greater risk of developing prostate cancer later in life.  [...]

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