Sometimes we are so busy worrying about calories and macro nutrients such as carbs and fat, we don’t think to place as much importance on the inherent need of micro nutrients.

We have all heard of micro nutrients – they are the minerals that make up our body structure. Minerals are drawn from the soil into the foods we eat, so the quality of your soil is hugely important.  Is the soil your food was grown in drenched in chemicals such as pesticides fungicides and herbicides? Was it fertilised with human faeces (as is the practice in parts of Asia)?  Both of these are terribly unfavourable scenarios for your health.

Food needs to be grown in soil that is soft and full of organic matter – free from chemical poisoning.

If you are not eating organic or growing your own, then chances are you’re not getting adequate minerals. Add that to gastro intestinal inflammation from gluten intolerance,  Crohn’s disease,  leaky gut and an array of common malabsorption conditions which further inhibits absorption of nutrients, and you may have yourself a pathway straight into deficiency.

Phytic Acid from some food groups you eat will also inhibit absorption of your minerals – particularly Zinc Iron and Calcium. Phytic Acid is found on legumes, grains and, to a lesser extent, seeds and nuts.   Known as an “anti nutrient” Phytic acid is the reason a Nutritionist will advise you to soak your nuts and seeds.

Let’s shine a little light on the importance of Zinc this week.

In the human body, there are more than 300 different enzymes that require zinc to function normally. Researchers believe that 3,000 proteins out of the approximately 100,000 in the body consist predominantly of zinc.

The best way to absorb your nutrients is with whole foods – generally not supplements. Supplements are great to alternate for therapeutic and optimal health, and I do recommend using supplements for those reasons, however the day to day basis of obtaining a combination of a well balanced diet should be left up to the alternation of your food choices. Buying Broccoli this week – make it Brussels sprouts next week – the extra few minutes of thought taken now add up in the end.

Foods containing Zinc

  • Pumpkin seeds! A combination of Acai powder, pumpkin seeds and Goji Berries to snack on is an excellent choice.
  • Lemongrass
  • Palm hearts
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Shitake Mushrooms
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Cashews
  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney Beans
  • Almonds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Brown Rice
  • Dark Chocolate – yes, you must eat it! This Nutritionist will genuinely reason why you must eat a lot of foods that “Industry” may have you thinking aren’t so great- See a wholefoods nutritionist- they will have you beaming
  • Crab
  • Lobster
  • Oysters
  • Grass fed beef
  • Beef Liver
  • Organic Pork
  • Organic or Grass fed Chicken
  • Swiss Cheese
  • Egg Yolk

Have a happy day!

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