get-fit-logo-kate-2016There are endless articles out there telling you how to get a six-pack, how to flatten your stomach, how to strengthen your core etc. But for the ‘average Joe’ person some of these methods are unrealistic and down-right confusing. The benefits of strengthening your core (including back, hip and abdominal muscles) include reduce risk of injury, better posture and a more efficient technique in all movements and sports.

My tips to strengthen your core include:

  • Aim to do a 20-30 min session twice per week
  • Focus on engaging your core and deep abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button back toward your spine & flattening the arch in your back
  • Consider getting a specialised program written for you by a personal trainer or get them to show you correct technique for each exercise
  • Focus on engaging your core muscles during all activities which include twisting, lifting and holding the body in a balanced state (static/stationary or moving/dynamic)

Workout schedule

Monday 5mins skipping + 20mins core strength exercises
Tuesday 30min run/walk alternating 2min run + 1min walk
Wednesday rest day
Thursday 30-45min swim focusing on long & smooth strokes
Friday 45min power walk before brekky
Saturday rest day
Sunday 5mins skipping + 20mins core strength exercises

Monday 45mins easy cycle on stationary bike or quiet road do 2 sets of 5mins on hard gear focusing on activating your glutes (butt muscles)
Tuesday 30min run/walk alternating 3min run + 1min walk
Wednesday rest day
Thursday 5mins skipping + 20mins core strength exercises
Friday 30-45min swim focus on steady breathing alternating sides. Extend from 3 strokes per breath to 5 if comfortable
Saturday 60min power walk including some hills where possible before brekky
Sunday rest day or 5mins skipping + 20mins core strength exercises

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