Tips for time efficient training

GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley

Below is a list of quick easy tips to make your training more time efficient:


Ride on quiet country roads to avoid stoppages at traffic lights etc. and dealing with other vehicles on the road.


Swim during quiet periods at the pool eg. late morning during the week.


Do a short run during your lunch break at work.


Pack your training gear the night before and commute to work early to avoid traffic and train close to work, or the same in the evening post work.

Change space

Consider doing some of your shorter cycle sets on indoor trainer or cycle studio.

Get prepped

Place a box or bag of training gear ready to go in your car or in an easy to reach location – ready to grab your gear and go.

Prepare after training snacks

Keep post training snacks in your back pack to avoid unnecessary trips to the supermarket or cafe post session.

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