Your body needs enough water every day to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials.  Fat deposits, that form in the body, can be tough to break down and eliminate, proper nutrition and exercise help greatly with this.  Fat is broken down when the body uses its fat deposits to produce energy the Triglycerides in the fat cells are removed, and broken down into fatty acids and glycerols, absorbed into muscle tissue and internal organs where they are broken down even further through various chemical processes.  If the products leftover, from these chemical processes, are not used by the body as energy they are considered to be waste products and need to be removed from the body and this is where the role of water comes in!

The Role Of Water

Water is the vehicle used to remove waste products from the body.  The leftover materials from fat breakdown are filtered out of the organs by the water that we drink, the water carries the waste to the bladder where it is then expelled from the body through urine.

It is important to drink enough water each day to keep the body hydrated and to facilitate breakdown and elimination of fat cells.  Many sources advise to consume around 8 glasses of water per day, but this number can largely vary depending on the size of the body, how often it is exercising, and is dependant upon even the outside temperature.
A good recommendation would be, upon waking every morning, drink approx., 500 ml of room-temperature filtered water, and eat or drink nothing else for around 45 mins (the time can vary).  No matter what life throws at us, we can never be too busy, depressed, excited or rushed as to not have the time to drink one glass of water every morning; the morning flush is imperative to good health, a corner stone and one thing that everyone can afford to do.
Flushing the body with water each morning is one of the best preventatives for stroke – it thins the blood.
Flushing is also a method used to reduce triglycerides and blood sugars, which of course, when elevated, are the corner stone for ill health and all manner of metabolic disorders!  So, that glass of water and the ensuing drinks of water throughout the day are ultra important to all human life.
Keep drinking water consistently throughout the day, and not soft drinks, fruit juices or other sugary drinks as these can actually dehydrate the body.  Water really is the only beverage the human body requires to survive.
Often a lack of energy and headaches can be caused by mild dehydration so it is a good idea to make a conscious effort to drink more water, and a little extra water is definitely better than not enough!

The Fat Flush Water

2 Litres filtered water
1 Tangerine, sectioned
½ Grapefruit, sliced
1 Cucumber, sliced
4 Peppermint or Spearmint Leaves- any sort of mint.
Ice, (made from filtered water)

Pop it all into a large jug before bedtime and drink it throughout the next day.   Please try to use organic produce, and if organic is unavailable, thoroughly wash the produce used before adding it to the water.

Tangerines increase sensitivity to Insulin, stabilise blood sugar, and because of Vitamin C potency, they increase fat-burning during exercising.
Tangerines help to prevent obesity, offer protection against Type 2 Diabetes, and Atherosclerosis, the underlying disease responsible for most heart attacks and strokes.  So, the humble Tangerine increases sensitivity to insulin, stabilises blood sugar, and stimulates genes to burn fat – a great fruit!

Grapefruit* increases metabolic energy, burns fat and increases energy.
*PubMed studies show that half a fresh grapefruit, eaten before meals, was associated with significant weight loss; in metabolic syndrome patients this effect was also seen.  Insulin resistance was greatly improved.

Cucumber juice has been found to be beneficial to Diabetic patients as it contains a hormone needed by the cells of the Pancreas for producing Insulin.  Additionally, researchers have found that a compound called Sterols, contained in the cucumber, may help reduce Cholesterol levels.

Please remember, exercise plays  a major part in weight loss so it is essential to get out there and keep moving!  Start with a simple morning walk, and breathe in the morning air!
Proper nutrition also plays a its role, and it’s not about restricting calories, not at all, in fact a high-fat diet, full of the right fats, good fats will satiate the body, plump the skin, fuel the brain and burn more calories than ever before!

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