Tips to stay motivated

By Nutrition Consultant, Jess Robinson

Are you struggling to stay motivated? Getting sick of your same old workout routine or simply don’t have the energy? You are not alone. It can be difficult to find the motivation to exercise when your day looks something like this: dropping kids off at school, putting in long hours at work, grocery shopping, preparing dinner, domestic duties, plus all the other little errands/chores that pop up and are part of everyday life.

Here are some tips to help you regain focus and get your motivation for fitness back on track:

1. Organise yourself

Organisation is key when it comes to any form of success. In this context it may mean having your gym bag packed the night before with your workout clothes laid out. This will make it easy for you to get up and go without stumbling around in your morning stupor. Compile your own playlist with your favourite songs to set the mood and put you in that frame of mind to go all out. I personally find it so much easier to get into a workout if I have motivational tunes to listen to. It is also important to organise the right recovery fuel. Protein is essential for muscle recovery, increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat. Synd-X protein powder is excellent in a post workout smoothie as it is extremely low in carbohydrate and high in protein, and is easily digested and absorbed by the body.

2. Get a buddy

If you are able to find a friend, partner or family member to work up a sweat with, this can be a big motivator, especially if you’re just starting out. Establishing an exercise routine with someone you know and trust will not only make you put more of an effort in, but will strengthen your connection with that individual. Perhaps you can spot each other at the gym, go to a Zumba class or boot camp class together, start running or cycling together or become boxing partners. There are so many options, and all fun and effective ways to get fit. You might even prefer to be a lone wolf, whatever works for you.

3. Monitor your progress

There is no better motivator than knowing all your hard work has paid off. What better way to monitor this than keeping track of your waist measurement, body weight, level of intensity and how much weight you can lift. This doesn’t need to be a daily occurrence, but perhaps you could measure your waist monthly, your weight weekly and compare your level of intensity and the weight you are lifting every fortnight. If you are exercising regularly, eating well and practicing portion control you are sure to notice an improvement in all these areas. If you are not noticing improvement, you may benefit from seeing a nutritionist or naturopath for further guidance. L-glutamine is a natural amino acid that is vital for muscle growth and healthy muscle function. It is necessary for protein synthesis in new muscle cells and assists muscle recovery after exercise.

4. Mix things up

Like anything repetitive or monotonous, doing the same exercise routine over and over again is sure to become boring. But the other negative is that your fitness level and results may plateau as your body is no longer being challenged. Doing the same thing over and over may sustain results, but it is unlikely you will progress any further. If you often run at the same pace on the treadmill every day, rev things up with HIIT (High Intensity Interval training) or increase the incline, this is a great way to maximise endurance and put you in fat burning mode for hours after you’ve finished. Try out different methods of working out, maybe sign up to a yoga class or Zumba class, or use machines you’ve never tried to target different muscle groups and challenge your fitness level. Magnesium is a powerful mineral that is required for a healthy nervous system and healthy muscles, and may help to ease muscle spasms and cramps.

5. Reward yourself

If you have been working hard and not missing a single gym session, then you deserve a reward for all your hard work. By this I do not mean reward yourself by consuming a whole cake or getting a happy meal from Maccas, but maybe there’s that dress you’ve had your eye on for a while or you really want a mani-pedi. I don’t know about you, but a great way to treat yourself and provide incentive is by buying some trendy active wear. There are so many nice workout clothes available at a reasonable price, and buying active wear you feel confident in is a great motivational booster. Make sure to have at least one rest day a week as it is necessary for adequate muscle recovery and performance enhancement.

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