So, any soreness? If yes, this is normal and your body will slowly adapt to the intensity, just like it had to adapt to the new mechanical action of running.

Now, is the right time to find a sport masseur or a good myotherapist.

You need to look after your body in more ways than just nutrition, vitamins and fluids…You need to stretch, do some leg soaking, have Epsom salt baths and get a massage at least twice a month. This will give your muscles the elasticity back after a hard work out that will create muscle damages and muscles tightness.

You will have to learn to listen to your body and miss a hard work out if needed. Nothing wrong with dropping the intensity if you don’t feel 100%. Still cover the distance easy or include a bit of walking…This is your next assignment

Have fun and keep positive when you have a bad day as your body will always thank you for it!

Keep to 10min easy jog warm up and warm down please.

  • Monday 10x40sec tempo & 80sec easy jog
  • Wednesday 35min easy
  • Friday 10x45sec tempo & 75sec easy jog
  • Sunday 40min easy
  • Tuesday 10x30sec tempo in hills only & 90sec easy jog down hill + on the flat. Not too steep please
  • Thursday 45min easy
  • Saturday 10x35sec tempo in hills only & 85sec easy jog down hill + on the flat. Not too steep please
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