I have asked a few females who are in the 30+ age bracket to tell me what were the three biggest points that were stopping them from exercising.

This is what they replied:

  • time/other commitments
  • finding the motivation
  • knowing how or where to start

My job as a full time coach is to find ways to help people fit their training around their busy lifestyles.

I’m a problem solver and I work on various time management solutions for the athletes in my care so they can reach their goals. I coach some full time workers with kids and who also have hobbies, and they still manage to fit in seven hours of training in per week. I’m sorry, but when some people tell me that they cannot do thirty minutes of exercise three times a week, I simply do not believe them!

How to solve your three issues in one go . . .

If you can manage it, then why not invest in yourself and get a personal trainer to come to your house three times a week? You can then get the hard work done in your house, or garden, in your street or back alley. It is very easy to work hard when you are being looked after someone who knows what they are doing. Those three sessions will make a world of difference. You’ll feel better, you will have the endorphins flowing through your blood, you might even lose weight if linked to a healthy food guideline.

If you can get away, join a swim squad, a gym, a spin class, a pump class, a running group… Plenty of options but pay the extra to be surrounded by other people and by professionals!

Make those three sessions a routine. You will book the same times and days every week so that it will become second nature. After a couple of months, you won’t even think about it anymore. You’ll know the sessions have been locked in and you’ll just do them.

The only excuse allowed to miss a session is if you are sick. If you are injured, find another sport that will allow you to keep training and to keep that routine going…

Remember “Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regrets”

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