Breathing exercises

GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley

A common issue amongst athletes new or returning to activity is controlling their breathing patterns. At the start of exercise there is a period of 2-3 minutes where your body is adapting to the activity. Heart rate and breathing rate increase to supply oxygen to the working muscles. For the inexperienced person this might feel like a panic attack or may even be accelerated further by anxiety. The tips listed below can be used at any time during exercise to help calm nerves or regain composure.

  • Focus on your breath, keep it rhythmic either using counting or beats etc.
  • Breathe in so that your belly expands to allow more air in
  • Focus on the breath out to avoid hyperventilation. Usually this is done during the exertion phase of the activity

Day Off

45-60mins swim incl. breathing skills eg. taking a breath every 3, 4 or 5 strokes

60min power walk before brekky or split into 2x 30mins

60min running incl. 6x 3mins fast running (8-9/10 effort) + 3mins super easy walk or run

45min stretch/yoga/pilates/gym program incl. 5-10mins skipping

60min spin class or cycle on quiet path/road with 10x 1min hard gear + 1min easy gear

Up to 90mins recreational activity such as hiking, paddling etc. to meet your 2.5 hours of physical activity for the week

Day Off

45-60mins pool swim incl. breathing skills eg. taking a breath every 3, 4 or 5 strokes.

45min stretch/yoga/pilates/gym program incl. 5-10mins skipping

Day Off

60min power walk before brekky or split into 2x 30mins with a friend or dog

30-45min run incl. 5 sets of 1min fast + 1min stationary rest (control breathing) + 1min fast + 2mins easy walk (control breathing)

60-90min easy cycle on flat path

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