Is the training routine coming back? Routine is not always a good thing, even for training, but it is an important part of your training in the winter when it is harder to get out the door to train because of the weather, lack of motivation, lack of training partner. Stick to a routine or a training regime until you get sick of it and feel the need to change it.

A good way to make training more exciting is to take if off road. These are my favourite sessions…along the beach, in the bush, parks and trails. Anglesea and Point-Addis are my absolute favourite! I can run 25kms over there and it feels like a pleasure, not an obligation.

It might be time to find a training group or a coach if you find that you struggle or plateau with your training. Training on your own is not easy and it takes a lot of guts to do it day in and day out. I personally could not do it and my squad keeps me motivated to do my own training. We have a good laugh, the atmosphere is awesome and we also work hard together. It helps when you know that others are going though the same pain because of an effort, big kms or the bad weather…It certainly helps to get out of bed when you know that other people are waiting for you and you have “I don’t want to be called soft” going at the back of your head!

Keep the focus on recovery methods. Cabot’s glutamine powder will really help you recover quicker and repair the mini tears created by hard training…

Please do 5 to 10 min easy jog warm up and warm down & keep running every second day only.
If you want to do extra activities in the middle of those two days, pick something like yoga, Pilates, aqua jogging, swimming, walking or riding…

Monday 75min easy jog on grass
Wednesday 45min easy on the soft surface please inc 10x150m Max with 150m jog steady = 3kms & record your time over that distance please
Friday 45min easy jog on grass
Sunday 60min easy on the soft surface please inc 5×1/2 kms uphill at steady to hard pace focusing on posture and cadence and recover down hill
Tuesday run 75min including 10x30sec Max on the flat & 90sec easy jog on the flat
Thursday 30min easy on the soft surface please like grass
Saturday run 60min in the flat 10x500m hard = 90% please & 100m easy jog recovery as a bit faster than walking pace only

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