How is your running going? Have you heard of front foot running? This is the most efficient way to run as you reduce your time of impact on the ground and you will run with gravity, not against it, like heel strikers do.stef-run-s

What are some of the issues you may encounter?

Front foot running will allow you to run much faster but it will take months to adjust to. Please do not run on your toes but on the front foot which is landing and taking off from the big toe joint. It will take you a long time to get used to this type of running and you will have sore calves for ages. This might also come with ankle, feet and Achilles issues however, believe me, in the long term, it is worth it.

Anyway, when you heel strike, you put a lot of pressure on you lower back, hips and shins.

Front foot running will offload the pressure onto your quads and core muscle but learn to activate them please. My tip number one is to start with 1 minute on and 1 minute off your front foot while you’re running x 5 and increase slowly. Also, do some skipping. Buy yourself a good rope and do 5 minutes after each work out. Do 10 jump on the right, 10 on the left and rest for 20 seconds. As always, increase slowly to avoid injuries and muscle soreness and try and do this when the muscles are warm.

Always remember to keep your Magnesium Ultra Potent handy just in case you suffer with cramping. Glutamine Pure is also amazing for helping muscle recovery.

Please do 5 to 10 min easy jog warm up and warm down & keep running every second day only.
If you want to do extra activities in the middle of those two days, pick something like yoga, Pilates, aqua jogging, swimming, walking or riding…
Monday 40min easy aqua jogging at the pool or in the ocean
Wednesday 90min easy jog L1 inc drills & 10x8min as 2min max, 2min steady. 2min hard and 2min easy
Friday 60min easy jog on grass inc 10x50m accel sprint with walk back
Sunday 60min easy on the soft surface please inc 2x10x200m Max up hill & recover easy down the hill + 5min easy jog between each sets please on the flat only
Tuesday 30min easy jog on the grass only
Thursday easy jog 75min including 10x3min as 60sec max + 60sec steady + 60sec easy
Saturday 90min easy Jog L1 in hills with 2x3x1000m max on track or in the bush with 400m easy jog. You can also do this by time = 2x3x4min with 2min easy jog + jog 5min easy between each of the sets please.

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