It is very important to make sure you are not deficient in Vitamin D!

It is not a deficiency of calcium which causes osteoporosis; it is lack of vitamin D. Your body cannot use calcium if you lack vitamin D.

You can take heaps of calcium supplements but if your vitamin D is low the calcium will not get into your bones.

So get some sunshine regularly – this will allow your skin to manufacture its own vitamin D. Ideally, try and grab approximately 15 minutes of sun between 11am and 2pm (UVB rays are the ones you need and midday is the best time to get them).

The many functions of Vitamin D include –

  • Conserves bone density and prevents osteoporosis
  • Reduces your risk of cancer
  • Reduces your risk of inflammation

Ask your doctor to check your blood level of vitamin D. 

The so called normal ranges of vitamin D from different laboratories can vary significantly and you will be surprised by the large range between lower normal and upper normal

Lower Limit Vitamin D in blood    Upper Limit Vitamin D in blood

75 nmol/L                                         200 nmol/L

30 ng/mL                                          80 ng/mL

You don’t want to be average here; you want to have levels of vitamin D that optimise your health. Supplements are often needed because people work indoors in artificial lighting.

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