Exercise tips for expecting/new mums

GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley

  • Listen to your body and do what feels right
  • Use exercise to help prepare your body for the birth & new life ahead
  • Prioritise more strengthening work around the pelvic floor
  • Slowly rebuild back into exercise and be guided by a trusted professional
  • Make sure your body has healed before recommencing strenuous activity
  • Be organised and plan exercise/activity with your partner, family etc. so there is some allocated time for you or exercise with your child
  • Pick something you enjoy and set yourself a realistic goal but be flexible

30-60mins power walk with/without family or pet

30-60mins swim incl. 10 reps of 25 or 50m fast reps with equal rest

Day off

30-60min running incl. 4x 5mins fast running (8-9/10 effort) + 5mins super easy walk or run

30-45min stretch/yoga/pilates/gym program incl. 5-10mins skipping

Day off – or catch up on a session from earlier in the week you have missed

30-60min easy cycle outdoors if possible

30-60mins power walk with/without family or pet

30-60mins pool swim incl. 5 reps of 50m or 100m with focus on relaxed breathing patterns eg. every 3 or 4 strokes

30-45min stretch/yoga/pilates/gym program incl. 5-10mins skipping

Day off – or catch up on a session from earlier in the week you have missed

30-60min spin or gym class incl. 10 reps of very short 15-30sec high intensity reps with double amount of rest time

30min continuous easy paced running OR 5km Park Run as a social run

Day off – or catch up on a session from earlier in the week you have missed

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