The food you eat could be making your body inflamed

By naturopath Margaret Jasinska

Inflammation is at the root of nearly every chronic health condition. Reducing inflammation can help to alleviate many varied symptoms. Prescription anti-inflammatory drugs are some of the most widely used medications. Unfortunately, they can have harmful side effects if used too often.

Wheat and other grains can increase inflammation in your body by adversely affecting your digestive tract. Research published in the journal Nutrients concluded with the following statement: “In the present review, we describe how the daily consumption of wheat products and other related cereal grains could contribute to the manifestation of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Both in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate that gliadin and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) can both increase intestinal permeability and activate the immune system. Other cereal grains containing related prolamins and lectins have not been so extensively studied and, therefore, more research investigating their impact on intestinal permeability and inflammation is required. It would be interesting to further elucidate the role of other prolamins on zonulin release and intestinal permeability.”

Increased intestinal permeability means leaky gut. The lining of your intestines is only one cell thick. The gut lining enables you to absorb nutrients from the food you’ve eaten and digested, and it keeps bacteria, wastes and undigested food out of your bloodstream and in your intestines where they belong. If you have a leaky gut, not only do the wastes and toxins gain entry into your bloodstream; you also have a reduced ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients from your food. This raises the risk of inflammatory conditions, food sensitivity and autoimmune disease. Substances that get absorbed from your intestines head straight to the liver via the hepatic portal vein. That means if you have a leaky gut, you will flood your liver with toxins all day every day. It is no wonder leaky gut syndrome can eventually lead to some pretty serious health problems. The detoxification capabilities of your liver quickly become overwhelmed and toxins will spill out into your bloodstream.

The majority of excess inflammation originates in the gut, either because you’re eating foods that don’t agree with you, or you have the wrong gut bugs in your digestive tract. Chronic infections, heavy metal toxicity, intense stress, type 2 diabetes and obesity are other things that can cause inflammation. Removing grains from your diet, as well as dairy products and sugar can offer immense relief for a range of health problems.

Glutamine is the number one remedy for strengthening the gut lining because the cells that line your intestines use glutamine as a fuel source. Glutamine is very beneficial when taken long term but it is also an excellent first aid remedy for diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, food poisoning or any condition that results in an upset tummy. Glutamine is found in Ultimate Gut Health powder.

It can be very helpful to have a simple meal plan to follow. It reduces the stress of decision making and helps get you on the right track. Dr Cabot’s 15 Day Cleanse is a gluten and dairy free program that comes with an eating plan, food lists and recipes. The meals are delicious and will leave you feeling satisfied. The 15 Day Cleanse nutritional powders help improve the health of your liver, gut and immune system. They help you start feeling good, and when you feel well, you’ll be more motivated to take good care of yourself.

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