get-fit-logo-kate-2016Children are the ultimate copy cats. With all of the electronic devices and sugar-laden treats out there it is all the more important to set a good example by eating clean. But what about exercise?

The best way to get your children active is to do it with them. Below is an example of how to integrate your children into your own workouts.

There are also plenty of commercial groups out there for baby and me classes including strength training, stretching etc.

Workout schedule
Monday 25mins of swimming with breathing focus extend from breathing every 2 to every 5 to 7+; Children to do swimming lessons at the same time
Tuesday 60min cycle spin class in gym or 60mins including 10 sets of 1min hard effort + 2min easy
Wednesday 15min core strength exercises + 15min stretching with children
Thursday rest day
Friday 30min power walk; Children to walk or ride bike at same time
Saturday 30min easy jog children to ride bike at same time
Sunday rest day
Monday 25mins of swimming with long efforts focus of greater than 100m with up to 60sec rest between each; Children to do swimming lessons at the same time
Tuesday 30min easy jog incl. 5 sets of 15sec hard pace + 45sec easy walk
Wednesday skipping + 20mins core strength exercises + 10mins stretching afterward with children
Thursday rest day
Friday 30min power walk; Children to walk or ride bike at same time
Saturday family bike ride for 60mins
Sunday rest day