Thyroid Health2020-12-17T12:30:18+11:00

HEALTH HUB Thyroid Health

2704, 2018

The Link Between The Thyroid And Progesterone

April 27th, 2018|Categories: Thyroid Health, Women's Health|Tags: |

The link between the thyroid and progesterone By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know a hormone produced by your thyroid gland stimulates progesterone production in your ovaries? Your thyroid gland is responsible for [...]

908, 2017

Is Your Thyroid Gland Affecting Your Skin?

August 9th, 2017|Categories: Thyroid Health|Tags: |

Is your thyroid gland affecting your skin? By naturopath Margaret Jasinska If you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin, you may not have considered the influence of your thyroid gland. Correcting [...]

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