Your liver is amazing
By naturopath Margaret Jasinska
Did you know your liver is the hardest working organ in your body? There are hundreds of things your liver does 24 hours a day to keep you alive and healthy.
If we look at the liver under a microscope, we can see rows of liver cells. Liver cells are called hepatocytes and these rows of liver cells look like the branches of a tree. The rows of liver cells are separated by red spaces called sinusoids. These spaces are very important because the blood flows through them and on its way gets cleansed by the liver cells.
The liver removes unhealthy cells, dead cells, chemicals, medication, environmental toxins and metabolic waste products.
Liver cells are very specialized and like all cells, they have a nucleus and mitochondria, and tiny bile canals in their membranes. Liver cells manufacture bile and secrete it into these tiny canals which connect up like the branches of a tree into a trunk. The bile is carried to the gallbladder and stored there, ready for when you need it, when you have your next meal.
Kupffer cells are found inside the liver sinusoids. These cells act like a little garbage disposal system and they literally eat up the rubbish in your bloodstream and destroy it, turning it into harmless waste products. You definitely need plenty of Kupffer cells in your liver and you need plenty of healthy hepatocytes to be breaking down these toxins.
The liver cells turn toxins from fat soluble substances into water soluble substances, so they can dissolve in watery fluids like the urine, the bile, the sweat and the saliva. Once they’re turned into water soluble substances, they can then be eliminated from your body. You need an adequate number of healthy liver cells to detoxify your body.
During detoxification of your body from toxic substances, the liver actually requires specific nutrients. During the breakdown of these toxins, a lot of free radicals are generated, and if we don’t have enough antioxidants, we cannot neutralize these dangerous free radicals. We must neutralize them, otherwise they can attack our liver cells and cause liver damage.
Livatone Plus is the liver tonic Dr Cabot has formulated.

Livatone Plus:
Contains ingredients that have been traditionally used in European herbal medicine to:
- Maintain and support natural liver detoxification processes
- Relieve abdominal bloating and distention
- Promote healthy gallbladder function
- Help improve bile secretion
- Help enhance/promote healthy liver function
- Maintain and support healthy liver regeneration
- To protect the liver
- Reduce and relieve symptoms associated with occasional overindulgence

Additional ways to keep your liver healthy:

Follow a low-carb diet –
This means reducing or eliminating sugar, refined/bleached flour and foods containing these things. These foods elevate blood sugar and insulin levels and can cause fat to accumulate inside the liver.

Eat more raw plant foods –
Raw fruits and vegetables are the most potent liver healing foods. They work by cleansing and repairing the liver filter to help trap and remove more fat and toxins from the bloodstream.

Have protein with every meal –
Good protein sources include eggs, fish, poultry and red meat. Other good sources of protein include whey protein powder, unflavoured acidophilus yoghurt and certain cheeses such as fetta, cottage, ricotta, parmesan and pecorino. Consuming protein at each meal helps to reduce hunger and cravings.

Eat good fats –
It is important to avoid all deep-fried food, preserved meat, partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and cheap cooking oil. The best quality fats to include in your diet are extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed macadamia oil, cold pressed coconut oil, avocadoes, seafood, raw nuts and seeds.

Avoid eating large meals –
This can overwork your digestive tract and puts a huge strain on your liver. Overeating also promotes heartburn, reflux and bloating. Serve your meals on a smaller plate to assist with portion control.

Keep your body hydrated –
Hydrating options include water, herbal teas, weak black tea and vegetable juices. Dehydrating fluids include alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and diet drinks. If you are regularly well hydrated your liver filter will work more effectively as an internal cleanser.

Try to exercise regularly –
Regular exercise promotes a fast metabolism and reduces insulin levels. Good options include running, walking, cycling, swimming or other recreational sports. Improving your liver function will cause your energy levels to increase and will improve your mood and mental state.

Minimise toxin exposure –
Avoid artificial chemicals and toxins such as insecticides, pesticides, and artificial sweeteners and colourings, flavourings and preservatives. Choose natural and chemical free cosmetics.
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