Exercising while travelling
GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley
As a coach and teacher, I’ve heard many different excuses as to why exercising is hard to fit in. One of my favourites is “I’m on holiday and out of routine – it’s too hard”. Whilst it is true, that exercising on holiday can be a bit harder, often you will be in a new and exciting location. One of my favourite ways to see a new place is to bring my bike or hire a bike and ride around. Sometimes I take a map with the main tourist attractions & good eating spots marked, sometimes I just ride and explore. You could do a similar thing running or walking. Many European cities also have cycling or walking tours. They will often be at a gentle pace but that doesn’t stop you doing a bit extra before/afterward. Resort pools or local open water swim spots are good to keep the kids entertained and you can sneak in a few laps.
The key point is, be organised. Do a little research, incorporate exercise into your sight seeing or as a way of keeping the kids entertained. It’s worth mentioning, that this is also a good way to see your local area on the weekends. I bet, there is a local “tourist attraction” or natural area near your home you haven’t explored. Get out for a walk or ride and check out a new area. You might even find a new exercise location!
Happy sight seeing!

60min power walk – find a new location!
60min run – all running!! Try not to walk at all. If struggling slow down the pace.
45mins stretch/yoga/pilates or home gym program
60mins swimming – find a new pool, beach or group or swim buddy. Variety helps you to stay motivated
Day off
90mins cycling with a friend or kids in a new location
90min hike or power walk
30mins easy walk with kids, dog or friend
60mins swimming – focus on mixing up the strokes every 4th lap
45mins stretch/yoga/pilates or home gym program
60min running.
Day off
60min cycle class or 60min cycle outside with some hills or off road (MTB)
60mins recreational activity or something new – try indoor rock climbing, paddling, skating or a new group class at the gym etc.
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