Empower Yourself to Better Health
By Dr Sandra Cabot
Over 2024 I have been doing seminars all over Australia and have spoken to hundreds of people who want to feel more empowered to improve their health destiny. People are hungry for knowledge and want to know more about integrative medicine. Some of the topics I have covered range from –
- Osteoporosis
- Prevention of dementia
- Mental health
- Thyroid problems
- Bioidentical hormones
- Autoimmune disease
- How to understand your blood tests
- Leaky gut and Immune Health
Thyroid problems are incredibly common with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis being the most common autoimmune disease in the world. I see quite a few women with underactive thyroid gland function who are being treated with thyroid hormone but still have symptoms of underactive thyroid. This is because the thyroid hormone they are taking is not being converted into the active form because they have poor liver and gut health and are often deficient in selenium.
Osteoporosis is very common as we get older, and a lot of people do not want to start on strong medications at a relatively young age. There are many holistic ways to build bone and muscle without drugs and you can try these strategies and see the results. We know we must stay physically active; however, this is not enough by itself, and needs to be combined with optimal protein intake, vitamin D and minerals. Gut health is so important because if your digestive system is not working correctly, you cannot absorb the protein, vitamins and minerals you need to build bones.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a huge and largely preventable problem and affects women more than men – it has been the leading cause of death in women in the UK since 2011. AD starts 40 years before symptoms occur and we can now detect these early changes in the brain and reverse them though diet and lifestyle. The chronic brain inflammation that kills neurones can also cause foggy brain and mood changes. This inflammation can be caused by insulin resistance, chronic hidden infections, exposure to toxins and nutrient deficiencies.
I have been talking about natural bioidentical progesterone which can be highly effective in reducing endometriosis, unexplained infertility and polycystic ovaries. It can also help to speed recovery from postnatal depression as well as alleviate premenstrual mood disorder. Progesterone therapy can reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and thus build up iron stores.
Stress and adrenal exhaustion often coexist and are hot topics that people like to discuss at my seminars. If you feel extremely exhausted in the early part of the day, I encourage you to have a blood test to measure your blood levels of the adrenal hormones called cortisol and DHEA. Post Viral Syndrome, including long Covid and adverse vaccine reactions, are common issues that can affect the nervous and immune systems and exacerbate adrenal exhaustion.
Stress can work havoc on your autonomic nervous system which is largely controlled by the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve spanning from the base of the brain to your anus and along its path enervates multiple organs and the intestines. The vagus nerve controls heart rate, breathing, endocrine and digestive secretions. Wow that’s one busy nerve, so lucky we have 2 of them. Dysfunction of the vagus nerve is common and can be due to viral infections, surgery, stress and diabetes.
Liver health is still a hot topic as many people with insulin resistance have a fatty liver and this is why they cannot lose weight and keep it off. One in four people have a fatty liver and it can lead to cirrhosis even in non-drinkers. Thankfully it is not hard to reverse a fatty liver, and the rewards of weight loss, increased energy and better immune function are enormous.
Many people with a fatty liver or insulin resistance do not eat enough protein and ideally your body needs 1 to 2 grams of first-class protein per kilogram of your body weight every day. Having a fatty liver or an imbalanced gut microbiome will adversely affect your thyroid metabolism and lead to weight gain and fatigue.
Try my liver check up
Do you have these problems?
- Excess inflammation
- Fatty liver
- Difficulty losing weight
- Weak immune system
- Abdominal bloating or indigestion or reflux
- Itchy skin or rashes or brown skin blemishes
- Toxic overload
- Increasing allergies
- Bad breath or coated tongue
- Gall Bladder dysfunction
- Foggy Brain
- High cholesterol
- Blood sugar levels not well controlled
Then you need to improve your liver function.

I will be at the Cairns Colonial Club for the Whole life Bloom Wellness Festival all day on the 20th of October where I am giving a seminar and answering questions you may have. It would be wonderful to see you there!
I will be doing two talks on the day:
- Brain fog
- Liver health
Q&A’s will take place after the talks at her stand. Books and supplements will be available on the day.
For more info on the event, visit their page
Dr Cabot works with other medical doctors and naturopaths in her medical practice in Sydney Australia. Dr Cabot’s Health Advisory Service receives hundreds of emails daily from people all over the world who need help with chronic health problems. These emails are answered as a free service. You can listen to her health podcasts on www.sandracabot.com and watch her videos on you tube.

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