Dr Cabot recently presented a health seminar for men and women at the Shellharbour Worker’s Club in conjunction with Go Vita Shellharbour.
Apart from raising the awareness of all those who attended about the part each of them plays in their own health and wellbeing, Dr Cabot also raised $3,000 for the Kidz Fund Disability Trust.

Bill and Marilyn from Go Vita Shellharbour presenting the cheque of $3,000 to Sean from The Disability Trust for the money raised for the Kidz Fund on the evening.
We had a huge response to our Dr Sandra Cabot Seminar held at Shelly’s Workers Club last Thursday night. With a crowd of over 155, Dr Cabot was welcomed by the people of the Illawarra with much gratitude for the way in which the seminar was presented so that everyone in the audience could relate to.
One of the most important messages that came across from the Doctor was that everybody is responsible for their own health and if you wish you can certainly do something about it naturally. With the 21 best selling books that Dr Cabot has written there is a wealth of information just waiting to be read.
We thank Dr Cabot for her knowledge and expertise and presentation on all aspects of Natural medicine and most importantly that there is mostly an answer to your health if you just wish to investigate.
Yours In Good Health
Marilyn Oliver ND, Medical Herbalist
Go Vita Shellharbour
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