A sluggish Lymphatic System can hinder weight loss efforts
The lymphatic system, also known as the lymph system, is a system made up of glands, lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus gland and tonsils. It bathes the body’s cells and carries the waste or cellular toxins away from tissue to the blood where it can be filtered by two of the body’s main detoxification organs: the liver and kidneys.
The cellular toxins are made up of by-products of normal bodily processes, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, hormone residues, cigarette toxins, airborne pollutants breathed in, food additives, pesticides and other toxins.
It is estimated that approximately 80% of women have sluggish lymphatic systems and that getting the lymph flowing smoothly is the key to easy weight loss and improved feelings of well-being.
The body has three times more lymph fluid than blood yet no organ to pump it! Blood is pumped around the body by the heart but our lymph system relies on the contraction and pressure of muscular action such as movement, deep breathing and exercise to help it transport toxins into the blood before the toxins are processed by the liver to then move into the renal system for expulsion from the body.
People suffering from injuries (minimal movement), excess weight or cellulite, pain disorders like arthritis, bursitis or headaches may find that a sluggish lymphatic system may be the result.
How to get Lymphatic fluid moving

Exercise ensures the lymphatic system flows properly.

Drink plenty of water.
Without at least 2 litres of water a day and depending on body movement, climate and a few other variances, lymph fluid cannot flow properly. To help ensure the water is readily absorbed by cells, add fresh lemon juice or electrolytes.

Eat healthy fats such as avocado, raw nuts and seeds, oily fish, coconut oil and animal fats.
These healthy fats will ensure the body gets enough essential fatty acids in the diet to help protect and nourish not only every cells but the entire lymphatic system too!

Liver herbs – Once the toxins get moving, flushing them out of the body via the correct channels is required.
A high quality liver tonic will ensure optimal liver function so that the years of toxins that are liberated from the lymphatic system and fat stores are efficiently eliminated and not left in the body and blood stream to settle back in.

Soft drinks, sports drinks, and store bought fruit juices that contain more sugar than real fruit cannot be a part of a healthy diet.
These sugar, colour and preservative-laden beverages add to the already overburdened workload that the lymphatic system must endure.

Eat more raw fruit.
The enzymes and acids in raw fruit are powerful lymph cleansers; eat raw fruit on an empty stomach for best digestion and maximum lymph-cleansing benefits. Most fruits are digested within about 30-minutes and assist in the feeling of well-being. Citrus fruits have astringent properties that increase lymph flow, however, don’t go overboard! Just 2 or 3 pieces of fruit a day is more than enough.

Eat plenty of green vegetables to get adequate chlorophyll to help purify the blood and lymph glands.

Congestion of the lymphatic system can also be caused by an Iodine deficiency
Iodine helps protect against the toxic environments in which we live (e.g. radiation and other pollutants that we are subjected to), and Iodine supports the lymphatic system at a cellular level, so be sure to get plenty of seaweed and wild seafood.. Eggs and dairy also contain good amounts of Iodine.

Dry skin brush before showering.
Using a hard bristled brush, brush skin in upward motion being the same direction lymphatic fluid flows naturally, up toward the heart.

Although not such a popular suggestion, it is very effective, alternate hot and cold showers for several minutes.
The heat from hot water dilates blood vessels and the cold causes them to contract.

Massage! Specifically, lymphatic drainage – yes, there is a specific massage to clear the lymphatic system.
Studies have shown that even a regular remedial massage can push up to help recirculate up to 78% of stagnant lymph.
For further information see our book The Ultimate Detox.
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