6 tips for achieving your New Year’s resolution
By Nutrition Consultant, Jess Robinson
Are you keen to reinvent yourself this year? Or at least attempt to get rid of bad habits and pick up some good ones? It’s coming up to that time of the year again, when we feel as if it’s time to turn over a new leaf. On New Year’s Eve we often make all these resolutions such as wanting to lose weight, quit smoking or to go for that promotion we’ve always wanted. Then you wake up on New Year’s Day after the booze and excitement has worn off, and that goal you were set on just seems too overwhelming and too far out of reach. But wouldn’t it be great to actually make a resolution and stick to it? Follow these 6 tips for making a resolution you will actually achieve.

1. Focus on one thing
If you’re set on giving some aspect of your life a makeover, don’t try to change everything at once, you will be setting yourself up for failure. You are more likely to make successful long-term changes by easing into it, break your goals into achievable segments. For example, if you want to lose weight, start by making small changes such as having healthy snacks like fruit, nuts or seeds over a packet of chips. Then as you get used to each small change you can start making bigger changes, but allow yourself a week or more to get used to each change before adding another. Focusing on gradually making small improvements rather than dramatic changes all at once, is a great way to ensure long-term success.
2. Make a plan
To ensure success you need to be prepared. For example, if you want to eat healthier be organised by planning meals in advance so you don’t find yourself opting for fast food out of convenience. If you plan on getting fit, get yourself some gym clothes, good quality joggers and motivational upbeat playlist so you are ready to start. L-glutamine is vital for muscle growth and healthy muscle function, and assists muscle recovery after exercise. If you’re planning on going vegetarian, before eating out check the menu of the venue beforehand to make sure there are appropriate options for you. You may even benefit by doing some research and learning tips on how to achieve your resolution.
3. Choose a start date
Just cos it’s a New Year’s resolution, doesn’t mean you need to start on New Year’s Day. This can often be a difficult time to start due to the holidays, stress and perhaps simply not being in the right head space. Ensure to pick a date when you know you will be focused, prepared and surrounded by positive people. Having positive people to support you is really invaluable, and even more so if there’s someone that has the same goal in mind and you are able to motivate one another.
4. Push yourself
There will come times where you may plateau in your progress and struggle to stay motivated, this also applies to life in general. This is when you need to really push yourself, dig deep and find that will to push through your plateau. Take a deep breath, spend some time in nature, and tell yourself that you will succeed. Positive thinking really is a powerful thing. Print off some of your favourite inspirational quotes and put them somewhere you will be guaranteed to see them every day, keep repeating them to yourself to maintain your focus. Henry Ford got it right when he famously quoted “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”.
5. Accept failure
If you do have a moment of weakness and have a cigarette, miss the gym cos you’re too tired or eat some chicken when you swore off meat, don’t beat yourself up over it. This will not do you any favours, especially when the best thing you can do is get back on that horse and learn a lesson from it. If you know that alcohol makes you crave cigarettes, have more alcohol-free days. If you know you hate working out after work, start going in the morning. And if you know it’s hard to avoid meat when you go to family get togethers, make a delicious vegetarian dish so you won’t feel tempted. Tyrosine is a powerful amino acid that stimulates the neurotransmitters involved in concentration, motivation and satisfaction, and reduces cravings for addictive foods and alcohol.
6. Reward yourself
Small rewards are a great way to encourage you to go further, especially during those difficult first weeks. Perhaps you can reward yourself by buying that book you’ve always wanted, going to the movies with a friend or having a couple of pieces of your favourite chocolate; learning moderation is key. Whichever way you choose to reward yourself, remember you’ve earned it. You should be proud of your achievements and a great way to boost your momentum is to share it with close friends and family. You’ll feel even more motivated to keep pursuing your goal.
If your New Year’s resolution is to drop a few kilos, there is an effective three step eating plan in Dr Cabot’s book ‘I Can’t Lose Weight and I Don’t Know Why’.
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