5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake
By Jessah Shaw – nutritionist
It’s very easy to overconsume sugar on a daily basis, and these fluctuating blood sugar spikes and crashes can lead to low energy, brain fog, increased sugar/carb cravings, slow metabolism and poor blood sugar control which in turn can lead to chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Thankfully, there are simple ways to reduce sugar intake without feeling like you’re depriving yourself. Read on for 5 simple ways to reduce your daily sugar intake:

Focus on whole foods
Examples of unprocessed foods include foods such as seafood, poultry, quality cuts of meat, eggs and fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. Making these foods the main basis of your diet is ensuring you are not consuming excess amounts of sugar as well as avoiding nasty vegetable and seed oils, artificial flavours and sweeteners. The above foods also tend to contain fibre and other nutrients which means a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream.

Start the day right
Rather than opting for high-carb foods such as cereal, toast or pastries, we recommend instead going for high-protein options such as an omelette with veggies, scrambled eggs with avocado, spinach and mushroom or a protein shake with berries and coconut milk. Another option is to try intermittent fasting. A common method is the 16:8 method which usually involves fasting after dinner the night before and breaking the fast at lunch the next day. While fasting you can consume water, herbal teas and black coffee with coconut oil.
The benefits of fasting are discussed in this article

Curb those sugary beverages
It’s easy to forget about the amount of sugar you could be consuming from fruit juices, soft drinks, energy drinks, milky coffees with added sugars, cordials and alcoholic beverages. If you are consuming drinks like this regularly it can quickly add up and make a huge difference to your daily sugar consumption. Instead of the above, opt for herbal teas, black coffee, water or raw vegetable juices. If you want to order an alcoholic beverage, choose a lower-carb option such as vodka, gin, whisky or tequila with soda water and fresh lime.

Snack wisely
If you are someone who feels peckish in between meals, rather than grabbing a sugar-laden muesli bar or a packet of chips to keep sugar intake low opt for some carrot, cucumber or carrot sticks with hummus or guacamole, a piece of fruit with a handful of nuts (to minimise glucose spike), or make a protein smoothie using our Synd-X protein powder or Ultimate Superfood powder which contains golden pea protein. Check out our easy, delicious home-made hummus recipes here

Use a sugar alternative
Our Nature Sweet Sugar Substitute is a 100% natural alternative to sugar. Nature Sweet contains sugar alcohols (known as polyols), which are naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables. They are sweet like sugar, but are different in the sense that they do not have the harmful health consequences of sugar and do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels, cravings or binge eating. They are suitable for those with diabetes, insulin resistance or those trying to lose weight as they do not promote excess insulin secretion and contain only a fraction of the calories of sugar. Unlike their name suggests, sugar alcohols don’t actually contain any alcohol (ethanol) and definitely cannot make you drunk. They are natural sweet substances derived from plant sources that can be added to food and beverages to make them sweeter. Check out our numerous Nature Sweet recipes here
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